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Saitou,M., Fujimoto,K., Doi,Y.,Itoh,M., Fujimoto,T., Furuse,M., Takano,H., Noda,T. and Tsukita,Sh. 1998. Occludin-deficient embryonic stem cells can differentiate into polarized epithelial cells bearing tight junctions. J.Cell Biol. 141:397-408.
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Furuse,M., Furuse,K., Sasaki,H., and Tsukita,Sh. 2001. Conversion of Zonula Occludentes from tight to leaky strand type by introducing claudin-2 into MDCK I cells. J.Cell Biol. 153:263-272.
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Furuse,M., Hata,M., Furuse,K., Yoshida,Y., Haratake,A., Sugitani,Y., Noda,T., Kubo,A. and Tsukita,Sh. 2002. Claudin-based tight junctions are crucial for the mammalian epidermal barrier: A lesson from claudin-1-deficient mice. J.Cell Biol. 156:1099-1111.
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Tsukita,Sh. and Furuse,M. 2002. Claudin-based barrier in simple and stratified cellular sheets. Curr.Opin.Cell Biol. 14:531-536.
Kubo,A., and Tsukita,Sh. 2003. Centriolar satellites consisting of PCM-1: Subcellular distribution and cell cycle-dependent assembly/disassembly. J.Cell Sci. 116:919-928.
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Sasaki,H., Matsui,C., Furuse,K., Mimori-Kiyosue,Y., Furuse,M. and Tsukita,Sh. 2003. Dynamic behavior of paired claudin strands within apposing plasma membranes. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA 100:3971-3976.
Nitta,T., Hata,M., Gotoh,S., Seo,Y., Sasaki,H., Hashimoto,N., Furuse,M. and Tsukita,Sh. 2003. Size-selective loosening of the blood-brain barrier in claudin-5-deficient mice. J.Cell Biol. 161:653-660.
Asano,A., Asano,K., Sasaki,H., Furuse,M. and Tsukita,Sh. 2003. Claudins in Caenorhabditis elegans: their distribution and barrier function in the epithelium. Curr. Biol. 13:1042-1046.(2003年8月の時点での主要な論文のリストです)